Friday, May 26, 2023

JOHNWAYNE--The Duke & African-Americans in Film-- FROM SHINBONE TO DODGE CITY


28 June 2020--

     (DODGE CITY)--  A hard sell indeed is that American legend John Wayne, star of countless Westerns and war films, was anything but a true individual, with just like everybody else, shortcomings and faults. Now that it's come up again about removing his name from the airport, it might also be time to stop and reflect on the man, not based on an interview in a cheesy girly magazine but on where he achieved his legendary status, on film.

Here is African-American hater, The Duke, flanked on his right by--

--Raymond St. Jacques as Sgt. Doc McGee in "The Green Berets" (1968) directed by the Duke himself.

Again on his right, another scene with a person of color, this time, it's--

--Jack Soo, playing Col. Cai. The film also starred Irene Tsu as Lin.

As for real life in-country experience---

--a photo of The Duke on Hill 55. south of Danang in "Dodge City," 1966. Note the two "Brothers " also in the photo. Ever been to Hill 55?

The Duke may have been a little rough on --

--Roger E. Mosley as "Rosey" the pimp in "McQ"  (1974) directed by John Sturges.


According to the above website, the scene was deleted from the film and the two can be seen--

--socially distancing (almost) in a SF nightclub on the trail of crooked cops.

Make no mistake, one of the Dukes earliest films co-starred--


--Woody Strode as "Pompey" in "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance," (1962) directed by John Ford. No doubt it did everything to launch the very talented African-American's acting career from Shinbone.


In one of his later, and extremely well cast Westerns, The Duke had for his co-star the incredibly talented Roscoe Lee Browne--

--who played the part of Jebediah Nightlinger in "The Cowboys" (1972) directed by Mark Rydell.

Although not starring in a film together, a blogger makes note of a friendship between two "strange bedfellows"--

--here's The Duke with Sammy.

     It's become a habit in modern times to take at face value what one reads in a magazine, even one noted for nothing more than its credentials of splashing naked women in centerfolds.  Apparently, those who take the Playboy interview as gospel haven't ever seen the performances John Wayne gave in the above mentioned films starring alongside some of the most talented African-Americans in Hollywood.

